How To Write A Speech
If you're stuck wondering how to write a speech then relax. You're in the right place.
You might be like a lot of people who stress out about public speaking because they think they can't write well, let alone speak well. Not true.
As you'll find out when you read these articles. They'll give you more than enough topics, ideas and inspiration to get you past the fear and writing a great speech.
Just remember ...
Writing does get easier. However, starting to write does not. |
So once you read the articles get something down on paper right away ... even if it's only one idea.
The Articles About How To Write A Speech
How To Write A Speech Without Feeling Any Fear
A simple piece of wisdom, illustrated with a story you'll never forget.
How To Write A Humorous Speech
Forget the brainwashing about not being funny. Understand how important it is to make every speech you write, a humorous speech. A step by step process for writing a funny 5 to 7 minute speech.
How To Write A Humorous Speech Which Wins A Speech Contest
Are you entered in the Toastmasters Humorous Speech Contest? Why not? Priceless gems here to help you win.
Speech Ideas
12 brilliant, easy ways to come up with speech topics and ideas for speech content. Based on an excellent book on creative thinking.
Speech Topics
A short list of wise quotes that make great speech topics. If nothing else they'll get you thinking.
Humorous Speech Topics
Some ideas to help you come up with an endless supply of funny speech topics. The article includes a formula as well as some light-hearted quotes to get you started.
Topics For Kids
This article has a list of actual topics that 10 and 11 year old kids used in various school speech contests recently. It's an amazing list. There's also a list of questions kids can ask themselves to come up with topics easily.
The Best Speech Topic Of Your Life
When you need to write that special speech. The speech that'll blow them away. It could be for a speech contest or it could be for a very special occasion. No matter what, if you need a special speech you need to read this article.
Jokes For Public Speaking
Read this article to get your thinking straight about using jokes when you speak.
How To Outline A Speech
Three different approaches to outlining a speech. Each will be suitable for different speeches. Great tools to have in your speaking tool kit.
How To Start A Speech
This article takes a look at 11 great modern speeches. You'll find out there's one thing all the great ones do to start their speeches. You'll also see how one of them doesn't start well and you'll find out what
not to do.
How To Conclude A Speech
This article looks at how to bring your talk to a close. This is one of the worst parts of most speeches and that's a shame. If it's done poorly it can leave a bad taste in your mouth, not to mention leaving the audience a bit cold. This article will show you how to do it fearlessly, and do it well.
11 Bonus Tips About How To Write A Speech
- There's nothing to be afraid of. As Bill Gove, a very accomplished public speaker from the US said, "Speaking is easy. You already know how." So, lighten up.
- Get excited about your topic. If you can't then pick another one. There are only two types of speeches ... boring and not boring.
- Think deeply about the impact you want to make on your audience. Leave them crying, leave them laughing, leave them pondering ... whatever...just don't leave them the same as before your speech.
- Think even more about your audience. What do you know about them and what they want from you?
- Now get creative! People don't really want to listen to a great speaker - they want to listen to a smart person with something to say that interests or moves them - and who can deliver it well. In other words, Content, Content and more Content. At this stage I'd suggest going for a walk, a run, a shower, a lie down ... just get away from your desk because you won't normally get inspired there.
- Got some great Content? Still excited about your talk? Maybe even more excited about it? Great. Stay open from now on to fresh inspiring ideas as you put your thoughts into a structure.
- Here's how to write a speech. Step 1 - Have a great beginning. Step 2 - Have a great ending. Step 3 - Put the two of them as close together as possible!
- Seriously now. Think about it. You've got something to say. You know your audience and how you'll affect them. Now put a simple structure around your content. That will vary depending on the type of talk but it'll always have a powerful opening, one to three main points and an ending that has emotional impact. More on writing particular types of speeches below.
- Well done. Now just practice it until it's a part of you. If you want you can video yourself and submit it on this site.
- Did I mention to lighten up? The speech is not about you anyway so put your attention where it belongs - on the audience and their lives will be different after you've spoken
This website contains lots of additional information that will help you work out how to write a speech. Enjoy the adventure!
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