Public Speaking Exercises - Use The Web To Practice

This part of the site has a series of simple, powerful public speaking exercises to reduce your fear. It's easy. 3 steps (explained below).




How To Get The Most Out Of The Exercises

You are about to do something really important - get rid of your fear of speaking for good - so you'll want to make the most of these practices.

  1. First, remember the 3 parts to no fear public speaking - Understand, Love and Practice. If you get scared while doing any of the exercises, go back and re-read some of the articles on this site. Particularly those on this page.

  2. Each of the public speaking exercises involves you doing some simple speaking on your own first. You don't learn to swim by being thrown in the deep end ... you learn to drown that way. So go at your own pace. You can tell if the pace is ok - you'll be enjoying yourself. Don't be impatient.

  3. 1.Video

    2.Upload 3.Submit

  4. Video. When you're ready, get the video camera out and record yourself. You don't have to show the video to anyone. You can always delete it. Now ... take a deep breath and watch the video. You'll get used to seeing and hearing yourself, honest! Click here to see some examples of public speaking video on this site.

  5. 1.Video



  6. Upload.When you want some constructive feedback, just upload the video to You Tube.

  7. 1.Video 2.Upload


  8. Submit. To submit your video to us is a piece of cake too!
    1. Copy the You Tube Embed Code for your Video. It's right underneath your video.
    2. Then just Paste the code into the Form at the bottom of the Exercise page on this site.

  9. We'll actually build you your own page, with your video. All comments are vetted before going online so you'll only ever see helpful feedback about your speech.
  10. Now congratulate yourself. You've just taken a huge step forward to ending any grip this fear had on your life. You deserve a reward I'd say!

The Public Speaking Exercises

Introduce Another Speaker

This is a brilliant thing to practice because it can be quite nerve wracking. Most people do it badly so you'll stand out. The other good thing is it's a really, really short speech!

Lay Out A Speech

In this series of public speaking exercises you'll not only learn how to lay out a speech, you'll get to practice the individual parts. For example you'll practice doing an opening statement in a couple of different ways. It's like learning anything properly ... break it down, get good at each part, and then put it all together again. That's how you'll get more confident with your speaking. Fast.

Read A Famous Speech

Ever thrilled to the sound of the "I Have A Dream" speech? Just wait until you feel yourself saying it! Or whatever other famous words turn you on. This exercise isn't just great fun, it's been used to train orators for thousands of years. Your turn!

Introduce Yourself

This is the first of our public speaking exercises where you give a complete speech. Don't worry. You'll be talking about your favorite subject. You!

Promote Your Business

Write a speech about your business. It'll dramatically improve your written marketing copy, plus you'll increase your web presence - all for free!

Use Motivational Quotes

This is a great exercise to get you fired up to meet any challenges you face. Again you'll deliver a short speech, but one with real punch.

Be An Inspiration

In this exercise you'll really understand how an inspirational speech works. How it's different to any other sort of speech, including motivational talks. You'll absolutely love these types of speeches. Guess what? So do your audiences.

Inform Your Audience

In this exercise you'll understand what most speakers do not - how to inform an audience without boring the pants off them. This exercise will be very useful at work.

Be A Motivational Speaker

Here's where you put a lot of what you've learnt together into one powerful speech. Your mission is simple. Get people to move. Not the easiest thing to do. But you're up for it aren't you? Go get em.

Make Us Laugh

A cool exercise where you'll get your audience laughing. Whether you think you're a natural comedian or not, you'll have a lot of fun with this. Never underestimate how useful it is to make your audience laugh. They'll like you better and that makes you more persuasive, not just entertaining.

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