Microsoft Powerpoint Help
Reviews Of 3 Books On How To Use Powerpoint
If you need microsoft powerpoint help, here are three different books and what people say about them. They're all available on Amazon.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Plain & Simple

By Nancy Muir, this is a very popular book and is about the very latest version of Powerpoint. Some people are quire excited about this book with comments like "I was surprisingly amazed by this book.", "What a great book!!" and even "Pick it up TO-DAY!!".
Even very experienced users of Powerpoint praise the book as a way to learn the new features. It seems the 'simple' in the title is a bit misleading in that sense.
Having said that ... it seems the book is very simple where it counts, ex plaining the new features. It's colorful, graphical and takes you through step by step so learning is easy. The new ribbon is covered and then each new feature.
Because of the simple feature by feature approach, one experienced user reckons you can go through and learn all of them in a day to a day and a half.It looks like this is one of those rare books that works for beginners and seasoned pros.
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 Step by Step
By Joyce Cox, this book gets mixed reviews.
On the plus side all the users say it's a good guide to the 2007 version of the program, suitable for beginners to intermediate users. It comes with a CD Rom with practical exercises too.
On the down side it doesn't address how to use the software in the real world. This obviously wasn' t the focus of the authors, who were more intent on getting into the mechanics of the program.
So, it'll delight the people who really want the details. For the people who want to know how to avoid committing Powerpoint crimes, you'll need to read two brilliant books Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery
and another along similar lines slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques (Shelly Cashman)
By Shelly Cashman, this book also gets somewhat mixed reviews.
On the plus side it was very useful in helping a long time Powerpoint user make the transition from the 2003 to 2007 version. It takes a very straightforward step-by-step, click-by-click approach which makes it an excellent teaching resource for the classroom.
On the down side it may not be the best book for an individual wanting to learn the software. One user suggested two other books might be bettre for this Cutting Edge PowerPoint For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))
and Advanced Microsoft Office Documents 2007 Edition Inside Out
This book is priced more as a text book and that may be its best use.
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