Public Speaking Activities
A comprehensive list of public speaking activities you can take part in. I hope this list inspires you to overcome your fears of public speaking. There's so much you can be a part of! Many of these can be practiced by joining Toastmasters or by doing the
exercises on this web-site.
- Introducing yourself or your business to a group
- Speaking up in a meeting
- Introducing a colleague
- A demonstration talk
- A fact-finding report
- An abstract concept
- A wedding speech
- A presentation of an award or a gift
- A farewell speech
- a family gathering
- Master Of Ceremonies
- Giving toasts
- Speaking in praise
- Roasting someone
- Presenting and accepting awards
- Prepare and present briefings, proposals, technical papers and technical team presentations
- Public relations speeches
- "speak under fire"
- handle the media
- management situations like briefings, technical speeches, motivational talks and confrontations
- impromptu speeches
- sales presentations
- inspirational speeches
- keynote speaker - opening or closing
- oral interpretations
- presenting workshop and conference presentations
- Role-playing and problem-solving sessions
- speaking as a company representative
- speaking for money
- an entertaining or dramatic speech
- speak after dinner
- influence and persuade others to accept your ideas, products, or services
- Television presentations
- present editorials
- appear as a guest on a "talk show"
- conduct a press conference
- use television to train
- telling a folk tale
- the personal story
- stories with morals
- the touching story
- the historical story
- poetry
- monodramas
- plays
- oratorical speeches
- negotiating
- handling criticism
- coaching someone to improved performance
- expressing dissatisfaction effectively
- humorous stories and jokes
- an entirely humorous speech
- a eulogy
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