Video Yourself

Video yourself speaking is Step One.

It's really easy. You don't even need a video camera. You can use

  • a digital camera
  • your phone
  • your webcam
  • or whatever other devices they invent to capture video.

Here's a quick list to help you get it done.

  • Keep it less than 10 minutes long. You Tube won't allow longer ones and most web video should be 2 to 3 minutes max.
  • Make sure we can see you. Don't shoot into the brightest part of the room.
  • Make sure we can hear you. If you're close to the camera, you shouldn't need an external mic.
  • A tripod is about the only extra gear you 'may' need. They're not essential, but really handy.
  • Record for a few seconds at the start, before you begin speaking, and at the end, after you've finished. It makes it easier to edit later.
  • Smile.

Enjoy making your public speaking video and then go to Step Two.

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